Customise fully to your Taste & Style these unique and beautiful things from India

We take pains and time to help you modify these basic products to suit your ‘Taste and Style and blend the diverse cultural styles to merge with your consciousness and enrich your life and educate you about the Indian Cultural Base

Background of Indian Cultural Base

What is the Indian aesthetic called?

“Rasa” – The Indian concept of aesthetic flavour, an essential element of any work of visual, literary, or performing art that can only be suggested, not described. It is a kind of contemplative abstraction in which the inwardness of human feelings merges with the surrounding world.

The theory of rasa is attributed to Bharata, a sage-priest who may have lived sometime between the 1st century BC and the 3rd century BC. It was developed by the philosopher Abhinavagupta (BC 1000), who applied it to all varieties of theatre and poetry. The principal human feelings, according to Bharata, are delight, laughter, sorrow, anger, energy, fear, disgust, heroism, and astonishment, all of which may be recast in contemplative form as the various rasas: erotic, comic, pathetic, furious, heroic, terrible, odious, marvellous, and quietistic. These rasas comprise the components of aesthetic experience. The power to taste rasa is a reward for merit in some previous existence.

What is the traditional Indian aesthetic?

Indian aesthetics is primarily concerned with three arts—poetry, music, and architecture—however, sculpture and painting are also studied under aesthetic theories. Poetry is the highest form of literature. Indian art is the art of sign and symbols.

Who is the father of Indian aesthetic?

“One cannot but salute Bharata who is the father of Indian aesthetics. It is imperative because when one goes through the arts, a certain point strikes you. The sage didn’t add more rasas to Natyashastra but now, a new rasa like despair has greatly emerged.

What are the 8 schools of Indian aesthetics?

  • Alamkara (poetic figures) school.
  • Rasa (aesthetic pleasure) school.
  • Riti (style) school.
  • Guna (attribute) school.
  • Dhvani (suggestion) school.
  • Vakrokti (obliquity) school.
  • Anumana (inference) school.
  • Aucitya (propriety) school.